Social media campaigns have the potential to raise awareness, increase engagement, and spread wide-scale messages. Successful campaigns are so effective because they are user-generated and inspire collaboration, connection, and most importantly – action. Below are a few strategies from Woods (2013), that I would  follow before engaging with social media campaigns via my PLN – to ensure I am engaging with my audience effectively and respectfully.

  • Consider my audience – What message am I trying to send, and who do I want to reach?
  • Ask and listen – Reach out to online community with questions. Engage with other users
  • Check out multiple platforms – Take into account the platforms unique audience and features
  • Consider multiple perspectives – Seek out people in similar but different industries to consider differing perspectives
  • Be authentic – Ensure my PLN is reflecting who I am by being open and honest

Political, Social & Environmental Change

Social media campaigns can have many purposes from sales to brand awareness to impactful change.  The best social media campaigns engage users with content that is meaningful to them. The Shorty Impact Awards is an international program dedicated to honoring the most purposeful and impactful social media campaigns that organizations are providing to make the world a better place. Here is a link to the Shorty Impact Awards 2022 finalists. I am sure you will all recognize a few of these.

My colleagues blog:

Keira’s blog does a great job at bringing personal experience into social media campaigns. I also appreciate that she includes the importance of discourse with the individuals or groups with whom the campaign aims to help. This is an important step to any meaningful change and/or impact because without understanding and appropriate execution  – people will not engage with a social media campaign.


Engaging your PLN



Woods, B. (2013, November). Building Your Own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network. American Society for Training and Development.