Welcome to My Blog!

This is me, Sarah Hiscox. I am a mature student in my third year of the Elementary BEd program at UVic here in sunny Victoria, BC. When I am not studying, I can usually be found hanging at the beach building forts, taking my dog Louie for walks, or riding bikes with my kids around our beautiful city. I am taking this course (EDCI 338) as well as three other compatible EdTech courses to complete a tech certification that will enhance my future career as an educator.

Throughout the teacher education program, I have learned the importance of networking and professional development but have not yet dug deep into how to make those valuable connections – particularly in an online environment. Developing my personal learning network (PLN) while curating and managing my own knowledge is something I am really eager to explore this term. I also look forward to implementing modern learning design as I explore online applications and platforms to increase connection and community amongst my future students as well as help them to become responsible digital citizens.

There is still so much to learn and I am excited to share my learning journey with you all, here on my site. Cheers!

A video I created of my kids and I hiking Mt. Tolmie last year